Posted on 21st June 2013

News from global Business 2 Business platform Music Gateway is that their website is due to launch officially on Monday 24 June. The company is a vehicle to connect individuals and businesses with musicians producers singers artists and songwriters for session work collaborations and co-writes. Site users will be able to connect with Mastering Studios and Service Providers by posting Mastering ‘Projects’ on the site together with a budget range and the number of tracks they require to be mastered. They can also tag audio and music genres for reference. Music Gateway will then notify Mastering Studios of available ‘Projects’ so they can decide whether they wish to tender for the work. There is no fee to tender but the Studio that wins the work will be charged a commission of 11% of the price pitched; meaning this can be factored into the price if preferred. To Pro Level users on subscription the commission will be reduced to 3%. Each Studio has a profile which acts as a portfolio of their services. Site users can access this profile to review any Studio’s services and previous work. Each completed project grants feedback to other users for site profile progression. Finally any projects started and secured will be provided with a unique and secure workspace area for managing files. Each user will have a secure wallet account for handling financial transactions meaning Service Providers can receive monies from clients worldwide. Register for free at For all enquiries please contact Jon Skinner at